Sisters Of Steam
The Sisters of Steam (SOS) is a women’s group operating under the auspicious of the U.P. Steam and Gas Engine Association.
Membership in the Sisters of Steam is free and open to all women who belong to the Association. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month (April – November) at 11:30 AM in the Antique Village Community Building.
Officially formed on September 15, 2010, the group’s vision is to preserve, present and interpret both the history and the culture of the steam and gas era. As full voting members of the Association, the SOS seeks to strengthen the Association’s mission to preserve our past heritage through education, interpretation, and the drafting of guidelines for future growth.
The Sisters of Steam are active both within the Association and the community at large.
- Providing lunch at Association work events.
- Managing the garden in the Antique Village.
- Coordinating school tours of the Antique Village and providing refreshments.
- Giving demonstrations of traditional handicrafts during Antique Village events.
- Teaching classes within the community.
- Holding a pie sale during the Annual Show.
- Creating a quilt for the Annual Sisters of Steam Quilt Raffle.
- Organizing Association displays for Michigan Welcome Centers.
- Partnering with the Bonifas Art Center, Delta Force Chamber of Commerce, Escanaba High School and Escanaba Public Library on various projects throughout the community.
- Sponsoring various projects in the Antique Village by donating a percentage of SOS income back to Association.
- Providing financial assistance to various community organizations such as the Upper Peninsula Honor Flight program, the Tri-County Safe Harbor program, local schools, organ transplants, and other anonymous donations.